So after travelling to Silverstone and setting up the gazeebo and pit in the blistering heat on saturday afternoon we were ready for a beer.
Waking up refreshed and excited we checked a few pressures and levels and went to the drivers briefing, there was a good turn out of drivers, it seemed that me and a couple of other drivers were the only newbees to silverstone drift demos!
No pressure or expectations and we were off to que for or first of our three 40 minute sessions! After parade to the holding pit area it was time to send it into my first run...... not bad at all stayed on track and found insane amounts of grip even at 30+psi!
A quick check of levels and leaks and we were of for another few runs...... man the surface is by far the best ive driven on and so much room for error with the super wide corners! Toward the end of the session things were begining to get wild and entry speed, angle and smoke were improving!
Back to the pit to strip of! It was well above 50°C in the car and i was dripping! The pits were rammed with spectators mulling around the drift paddock. Then yogi shouts 20 minutes till next session..... quick tyres fuel, meth, nos and pressures and we were rolling out for our next session!

The atmosphers was electric and everyone seemed to be having a great time including me, i was getting roughly 3 decent runs to a pair of tyres, entrys were getting faster and more risks were taken, then i thought lets try a backie (basically sending the car backwards into the corner) first effort was not successful but it felt wild! So im gonna try again, there we have it my first visit to the grass! If you dont try you wont know, im gonna nail this oneday!

Back to the buzzing pits for some refreshments, driver signing and a chance to show of some of the latest editions of the fpp electronics range!

After a short break we were ready for the final session of the day, we have our last 2 pairs of tyres to go on after the first few runs, the car felt good in every way and i was comfortable to build more entry speed, angle and i was only partially lifting for the transitions! We were just starting to have some fun twinning with a few other teams then i had a great chase with Trig Bishop in his M5 powered 5 series!

Nearly last run of the day so big send and not only nailing the line also leaving smoke clouds behind, last corner and brap brap burr we are down to 4 cylinders!!
Well what a day ..... perfect engineering right? It lasted until the last corner!!..... to be continued.......